Spay/Neuter a community cat! Find low cost spay and neuter options near you.
Visit baileyshumanrescue.org/snlocator or scan the QR code on the left.
Learn more about Trap Neuter Vaccinate Return and register your colony.
Visit baileyshumanrescue.org/tnvr, or scan the QR code on the right.
Be The Solution!
Trap Neuter Vaccinate Return
What is it, and why is it important?
Do you have questions or need advice on TNVR? Please contact us and we will be happy to speak with you.

About Us!
Who We Are
Bailey's Human Rescue, Incorporated (BHR) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation based in Johnston County, North Carolina. BHR has established the first Trap Neuter Return (TNR) program in Johnston County, and provides a pet pantry for pet owners that need a little help. Through these programs, and community education, we hope to reduce the number of domesticated animals that meet an untimely end simply because they exist.
We Rescue Humans
One Animal At A Time!
Bailey's Human Rescue

Our Vision
The vision of Bailey’s Human Rescue is to eradicate the unnecessary overpopulation and euthanization of domesticated animals.
Our Mission
Bailey’s Human Rescue intends to act as a liaison between animal welfare organizations and the community in order to improve the lives of domesticated animals. BHR will inform and educate the public about responsible pet stewardship by focusing on the importance of spaying or neutering household pets and feral cat colonies.

What is Trap Neuter Vaccinate Return (TNVR)?
Why Can't Feral Cats Go To The Shelter?
They can, however county shelters will euthanize the community cats because they are not candidates for adoption, and they simply do not have the space or resources to take them on. Also, if you do not kill them ALL they will repopulate and you will end back up in the same situation.
Why Can't I Just Relocate Them Somewhere Else?
Relocating a community cat or an entire colony is dangerous because cats are territorial and will try to find their way back home. On the journey back home many things can happen to the cat resulting in injury or death. So, unless the cats’ lives are in danger, the best place for them is right where they are.
TNVR stands for Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return. TNVR involves trapping community cats in humane traps, having them spayed/neutered, vaccinated, ear-tipped, and return them back to their outdoor home. TNVR reduces the population and the nuisance behaviors we all hate like, fighting, spraying, yowling, and etc.

Can You Just Take Them?
What Is an Ear Tip?
Ear-tipping is the surgical removal of a small portion of a cat’s left ear. Ear-tipping is done while a cat is sedated for spay/neuter surgery and is not painful for the cat. This helps trappers and the community identify the cats who have been TNVR'ed.
Most community cats are not candidates for adoption. Rescues do not have the space or resources to take on feral cats, and have to make the hard decision to turn community cats away. We all wish there was a magical field that all of the community cats could go to, but that is just not the reality.
Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) is the only proven way to stabilize cat populations.
What Is The Vacuum Effect?
When cats are removed out of their colony it creates a territorial opening. You may see a temporary decrease in the cat population, but the remaining cats will procreate faster to replace their numbers or allow outside cats to join their colony. This phenomenon is known as The Vacuum Effect. The Vacuum Effect has been observed in many species and has proven that removing (or killing) cats is pointless and only creates an endless cycle of death.